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The Success Of Thrive!

Our 4th Thrive course started last night. A brand-new group of people at the very beginning of a life changing journey. This course has been a huge success for our previous participants, and I wanted to share some of their triumphs here.

Thrive is a course designed by myself, Diane Watson (Physiotherapist and PHC ambassador), and Sarah Leonard (Cognitive therapist and clarity coach). The primary purpose of Thrive is to educate and empower people to prevent and reverse Type 2 Diabetes through diet and lifestyle changes. Many of our participants have not only achieved this but have also experienced a wide range of secondary benefits such as weight loss, improved health markers, and improved mental health.

  • Most of the participants have reduced their HbA1c to normal non diabetic ranges, some of which have been diabetic for more than 15 years and have now come off medication with the advice of their GPs.

  • Some participants that were previously medicated for high blood pressure have normal readings and have come off medication with the advice of the GPs.

  • All of the participants have experienced weight loss, most of these losses have been significant (up to 24kg).

  • Many participants have improved their previously abnormal lipid profiles.

  • One participant has significantly improved his diabetic retinopathy. His ophthalmologist was shocked!

  • One participant has improved their previously deranged liver enzymes levels.

  • Those that were previously struggling with low mood have described a significant improvement.

  • Other health improvements have been reported such as improved energy, less aches and pains, less headaches, improved sleep and more.

I have been absolutely overwhelmed by the commitment and achievements of our previous participants and the results above are testament to their efforts and enthusiasm. This is the reason we wanted to run the course and I am so grateful that it continues. It really is life changing!

If you or somebody you care about is at risk of/ has been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or Type 2 diabetes please go to our website for more information.

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